Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Pondy, the trip

Have been to pondy in the past a couple of times I guess, but my latest trip by the end of Mar 2018, that is last week,  had shown me the pondy that I had not known till then, the pondy that I should have known.
Travelled with colleagues on my car. We started at around 8 am after i reached home at 7.10 AM from office, yes full nightout that scared our gang if I would make it to the trip.
We had simple breakfast on the highway, reached our mediocre hotel, visited a private beach, had our great lunch at the delicious Kamatchi restaurant, full non-veg. Dinner and the next day break fast was at a self service restaurant near the hotel  and that was too good too. 2nd day lunch as well was at Kamatchi, it had that chicken and fish omelettes which I haven't heard of before and were delicious too.
I confess,  I did have breezer which technically is a fruit juice according to the boozers. Booze I understand is 50% cheaper as you would all know.
Pondy does have beaches and we visited the paradise beach through a ferry ride as well. I think this paradise beach is well suited for family. Ferry ride costed Rs. 300 per head. There is also the paid fresh water shower with music in the open which our gang enjoyed as well with dance. Having a real stage singer in the gang was a plus for us throughout the trip, especially the evenings.
Drive around the city with full pitch music is an unbeatable pleasure. 
We of course did not visit the temples and ashrams.
The best thing for me was the night we spent at the main beach near the Gandhi statue. The walk with gulfi enjoying the cool sea breeze and seeing around all the beauties....
Conclusion is that,  I should have travelled to pondy frequently before 2012, yeah when I was a real bachelor

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