Tuesday, November 1, 2011

7aam Arivu


>Logical flaws. For eg: There was no govt reaction to so many sudden killings by the one man army from china or abt the BioWar. All news channels only talk about the epidemic

>Overdose of hypnotism

>Overdose of tamil patriotism. In the sense, dint fit in the story that much

>Songs dint blend to the situation

>Artificial reactions of the protagonists at instances



>Action Sequences. Enjoyed the neatness and freshness of their execution in a tamil film. Especially the first one by the Damo

>Dong Li - the villain

>Dint bore me anywhere

Conclusion: I enjoyed the movie. I believe the director had given much of the importance to all the above pluses and i had no problem in digesting any of the minuses. More than gud enough for a Tamil Cinema.

Am sure this movie would have been 5 times better had Vikram taken the lead directed by Shankar ;-)

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