Sunday, August 21, 2011

On the Lokpal Movement by Anna

Wrote this to comment on my Friends post on the Anna's Lokpal Movement on Aug 21st 2011.

In IT terms i see this as an out of the box thinking from the Anna's team. usually the only solution to
all the miseries in the country has always been a dream of getting great rulers. Its always what was shown
in media and debated as well everywhere to my knowledge. a great CM or PM can only do it. I do see
Nitish and Modi in that line as probable hopes, though i donot know them in detail except the
good things they have been doing in their states.
But this movement suddenly comes from no where and
tells me 'I am the solution'. Yes i do see this as the only possible and practical solution to
all the miseries, provided it succeeds. Hope we have the determination to make it succeed. It is practically
impossible to think of right ppl taking over politics by uprooting all the scammers and culprits. in that case
there wouldnt be a need for any lokpal at all :)
Now this movement does not ask for great CM or a PM. It forces and will force anyone who sits
in the seat and thinks that there is none to question him, to rethink. It would make him understand that
he is just another fellow among
every other common citizen who will be questioned.

MR. Arvind Kejrival, listening to him in a few videos hav made me a fan of him for life.
Though had read some differences here and there on both Lokpal bills, I still havent read the
complete 'Jan Lokpal Bill', i dont feel the need at all after listening to him speaking to Chennai IIT.
In every video, he is Bang ON! Yes Bang on the targets, on the critics, on the culprits!

To everyone who are puzzled about 'why this movement? when democratically the bill is on
parliament table,including MR Nilekani, am puzzled on how you guys are blind to see who is all
actually in parliament? do u really see that you have guys with real intention of eradicating corruption
and bring bliss to the whole country? But if u stil want to believe in them just because
they have been voted, Am really sorry, we have already waited , oh no, wasted more than 40 yrs
for this bill, and ofcourse i have no trust on sitting elected members. For ppl, it was always a choice of
best of the worst in elections.

To those who claim that the bill has a lot of holes, i say, no, this bill would make sure 'No Corruption Leaks'
Yes it is leak proof of corruption. If stil u wanna debate, very much agree to debate it on parliament but
with this "Jan Lokpal'

To those who dont care whats goin on, hope your fate lets you this way for ever,
otherwise you will be the one to suffer worst for your apathy.

Am witnessing what RTI is doing already, and am able to visualize what will happen if this bill passes.
Am all with Anna and his army.

Oh wait, am not into the army yet. All i could say, my time hasnt come yet.

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