Saturday, December 15, 2012

Online Shopping

All I could remember is, it was a digital camera that i bought online was the first through ebay. Slowly got the feel of online shopping more with Amazon. With Amazon, its the best you can ask for, you would be tempted to buy as much as you can afford. All my amazon experience was all when i was in Chicago. Did try other sites to buy too and especially I remember using them max before my every vacation to india. Was very much impressed with the ease of it. Especially when it is electronics, it is best and easy to shop online. You can easily compare the price and specifications of anything you buy with Google and other comparison sites. But when you need them in hand immediately, you have to got to store, just like my Canon DSLR and Nexus S.
I personally feel that the technology is at its peak now at US, online shopping now includes shopping on mobile as well. A shopping site is not complete without its IOS and android app.
But its all in the budding stages in India and thats what is more exciting to me. I was surprised when a colleague of mine told me that he is comfortable buying with only the 'cash on delivery' option, he doesnt want to pay online before receiving the product in hand. How can a software guy distrust online payment while shopping, this eludes to get digested by my brain. To add I also know of people who dont even prefer to use a debit card and instead go to bank in person for transactions!
How is it possible for anyone to keep getting stuck to ground, when u can actually afford to fly? Worried about the crashes in mid air? come on you can get hit on ground as well when time isnt yours!
I happened to experience indian online shopping sites when i had to buy something for home that will reach quickly and i wouldnt be needed from chicago to carry it. Some electronics, gifts..were all possible, but i had to search a lot initially and i remember 'infibeam' , the first one i tried and tested and kind of got comfortable to continue ordering for more. Flipkart, i rarely noticed as it had only been selling books that i never cared, then i noticed them adding mobiles and i did browse to look for a mobile for my mom as well once. Then it was only infibeam to my knowledge had great inventory in lots of categories. It still looks good but i switched to flipkart these days :D.
I also get my air/bus/rail tickets onlline addition to pizzas and movie tickets, in fact on my mobile!
In the recent year or two, its like too many sites budding here in India and some are doing gud too. I did try jabong very recently and it was a pleasant experience too. Am eagerly looking for a very positive and beautiful growth in the online shopping experience in india as well. I keep hearing it as well from other sources. I would love to get there where we will just buy anything sitting at home with all the comfort, ease and trust !

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