Friday, April 6, 2012

Ice Cream Sandwich

Today (5th Apr 2012), got my Nexus S phone updated freely with Android's latest OS version 4.0.4 which is also called as the 'Ice Cream Sandwich'. It was 2.3 (Ginger Bread) until yesterday. I was wondering with wait if this ever happen from the moment I heard abt 4.0. It has lot many features and made me feel like i got a new phone. I was hardly working in office today ;). In-built Data Management, Panorama mode in camera, Android Bean, enhanced language input, Folder changes, Movie editor......list goes on!Am so happy and excited that i have got this all for free. One thing that surprised me today was when couple of my friends were blank when i told them abt Ice Cream Sandwich. May be i am being too much on my end on this. I realized it when another friend asked me hows it different from 'Froyo', though have heard abt froyo, i forgot that it is Android 2.2.

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