Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dropping Airtel (Story of 98840 25846)

A few days back, i got my outgoing from 9790935846 blocked. Until then it was all great with airtel. Cust Care (50p for every 3 mins) helped me understand that i had to submit address proof docs for the onlline address update i did a couple of days back. Got irritated as i wasnt informed on their website, to add, was neither informed by message or call before blocking my calls.Even my fight with their english speaking supervisor dint help. Was told to submit docs at the nearest airtel showroom, thats the only way. More than calls, irritation was because i was handicapped kind of without the 3G .

Next day at office i sent emails to 121 email id which i used to get prompt response. They did reply with an excel list of Airtel Showrooms all over chennai. I rejected their response and asked for an alternate. Thats it, i got only acknowledgement response for all the emails and reminders after that for the next two days.

Went to the guy at the company airtel kiosk. He gave me 3 options.

1. Change my bank comm address and provide that as address proof or a rental agreement for the address. He cant take my HR address proof lettter :(

2. Fight with the 121 email responder.

3. Change my number to prepaid by visiting an airtel showroom (Nearest @ chromepet). And he will get it back to postpaid after a week.

In my last email to 121, i did inform them of closing my conn if not resolved that day.

Next day, i was at Vodafone kiosk. Found that i cant port my number as my outgoing is blocked. Porting would need me send SMS to specific numbers. Also would take 10 days.

98840 25846

Update (Jun 11 2011): Am back to airtel because of 3G. I was about to get a new connection but got back the same old number. After my email request to cust care for closing the connection, surprisingly found the number alive. To add, got a message that i got 15 day rental discount :D. Love 3G! :-)

just an FYI.

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