Friday, February 20, 2009

Its about Food!

Feb 19th, 2009
Disclaimer : Below is my personal view only and an experience of just over 10 days...

How much would you give importance to food ? Believe me it becomes the first important thing next to breathing when you are away from home for long where you dont get your home put it straight, food has become my first next to oxygen here in Chicago.

I spend $6 per day on an average for my lunch. My God its Rs. 300 (xchnge rate is over 48 now) for one time food...Hold on.... is it me? spending so much for one lunch? and unfortunately my stomach (or is it my soul?) is no way satisfied with it still...
You get everything to make your indian food and most of our Desi's here prepare and bring their lunch to office. Have decided to start myself soon as well. But frankly, that doesnt satisfy your expectations either. Its becoz we prepared it, we would enjoy it without complaints...he he he. it has the other advantage of cost effectiveness as well. Again, this is totally my observation on people bringing food. Personally, am more sensitive to taste! i need (or was in need of) a perfect proportion of salt and spice and again it is especially the right measure of 'salt' that matters the most for me. In the past one week, am forced to start suppressing my senses :). Hey wait again, it doesnt mean guys here never cook good food, but that happens rarely. Infact, there are only two things when in onsite, one is co-ordination with client or offshore and the other is ofcourse cooking. And so, when we go out to any indian restaurant no one minds to spend dollars or calculate the cost in INR.

And my 4 roomies prepare delicious dinner in turns daily... though you cant compare it with your moms' its the great food you would get in any part of ....bcoz my brain forces the practical experiences to speak over the natural response of my senses....
The ready made mixes brought from home are the saviour for the struggling taste buds....
It is threatening to think that they wouldnt last for long.

You know what? Am supposed to take a new apartment in a day or two with a north indian colleague who claims would cook non-veg. am a pure veg 'till now' fyi. I suppose, even the God is wondering what am i going to eat. Am sure that i would miss the food prepared by my roomies. And I owe them a lot...

This country loves peace and its an unwritten rule that honking is forbidden during driving and so is used only in extreme conditions. But there isnt peace for your tongue that longs for the indian spice :)

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