Monday, February 9, 2009

Chennai -> Chicago by a Vellorian!

Feb, 07, 2009
Have come to Hoffman Estates (IL, USA, 30 mins from chicago) for an assignment. not sure abt the duration. Am excited abt this new journey...things all look different. and hope i start writing my blogs as freq as possible.

And here goes the brief Desc of my Travel:
Just like many others,
First time in life i stepped into a flight. never dreamt would happen ever. Luckily had two connections. Qatar Airlines, Chennai -5hrs- Doha (Qatar)- 14hrs-Washington DC- 2hrs- Chicago, which helped me get acquainted with different customs and checks at different airports...etc. Nervousness accompanied me from chennai - Chicago until i met my friend and colleague sugumaran. Air Hostess were beautiful , but only one impressed me a lot of all in the chennai - doha flight. she smiled at me twice....woahh....:)
My mom, dad, hari, uma and surprisingly Lakshmikanth for my send off in airport.

The first H1-B, first flight, first air ticket, first check-in, first immigration, first customs check, first boarding, first take off, first aerial view, first landing, first ice view, first bath tub, first use of tissue for i do not find words to explain those moments...thanks to those window seats in the first two flights. The lights in the night, the painted like clouds, the ice covered mountains, well designed city during landings, ....etc .first flight had one common television for a row, but second one had individual screens with tamil movies as well in its options, i enjoyed the ever green "santhosh subramaniam". was mostly occupied in sleep in the 2nd flight. break fast and meals guess i tasted fish as well served with the salad though have been a pure veg for more than 4 yrs now. what ? i asked for regrets...he he he.

Shopping! - I should tell you all about my shopping. i swear this sure would be the biggest in my life time ...formals, jacket, thermals, shoes, cooker, tava,....etc in spencers and pondy bazaar globus. thanks to Hari for giving his card to swipe everywhere for the purchase which hit approx 40k. most of them who heard about this got paralysed even the new room mate here in Hoffman.....:( Infact hari's whole family did my packing. i just started with the packed baggage to airport by 1 AM on 7th from his house for my flight at 4.45 Am.
unluckily for me casuals is very much fine an accepted formal here in this client office.....i just have brought 3 jeans...have to open an account soon and convert the TCs(travelers checks) to currency to buy more jeans...

I could easily see that it would be very hectic for the next two months as my room and team mate is working here today (sunday) from morning and giving status to client ....God save me....

About accomodation, have got a temp adjustment by the new team mate until i get mine. 4 in our apartment for now....its all great. water and ice outside the room, yet to check more beauty outside....havent gone out in the day yet....heard its 10 mins drive to office from here. have to buy a car and learn to drive asap.

Temp - its between 4 - 8 degrees centigrade. Though i could see the ice almost everywhere, everyone says am lucky for coming in at the right time. 3 weeks back it was in minus 20 to 30.

Finally, the tension of last two weeks abt my onsite travel ended by yesterday. Am onsite :)

Am sure this country is packed with surprises all over. starting from $3 for using a trolley cart in airport all set to experience the surprises...

And yes, would miss my love.....


  1. good sir.. keep popsting.. let us know abt happenings.. keep in touch.

  2. welcome to united states of america !!!!this is just the starting ....u will learn a lot da machi !!!!

    enjoy u r stay !!!


  3. Heyy Raga!! :)
    Cane in late... but, all that matters now is.. I came in :)

    Congrats on all ur "Firsts" once again...I feel so happy for u :)

    Keep hitting on this page to share more experiences regularly :) U know how many of us are waiting to hear from u all the time!

    TTYL.. im still slogging at office :) All the best...

    btw, be a "good" Onsite Co-ordinator unline mine :p



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